
Elixir provides the concept of enumerables and the Enum module to work with them. We have already learned two enumerables: lists and maps.

iex> Enum.map([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x * 2 end)
[2, 4, 6]
iex> Enum.map(%{1 => 2, 3 => 4}, fn {k, v} -> k * v end)
[2, 12]

The Enum module provides a huge range of functions to transform, sort, group, filter and retrieve items from enumerables. It is one of the modules developers use frequently in their Elixir code.

Elixir also provides ranges:

iex> Enum.map(1..3, fn x -> x * 2 end)
[2, 4, 6]
iex> Enum.reduce(1..3, 0, &+/2)

The functions in the Enum module are limited to, as the name says, enumerating values in data structures. For specific operations, like inserting and updating particular elements, you may need to reach for modules specific to the data type. For example, if you want to insert an element at a given position in a list, you should use the List.insert_at/3 function from the List module, as it would make little sense to insert a value into, for example, a range.

We say the functions in the Enum module are polymorphic because they can work with diverse data types. In particular, the functions in the Enum module can work with any data type that implements the Enumerable protocol. We are going to discuss Protocols in a later chapter, for now we are going to move on to a specific kind of enumerable called a stream.