
Strings in Elixir are inserted between double quotes, and they are encoded in UTF-8:

iex> "hellö"

Note: if you are running on Windows, there is a chance your terminal does not use UTF-8 by default. You can change the encoding of your current session by running chcp 65001 before entering IEx.

Elixir also supports string interpolation:

iex> "hellö #{:world}"
"hellö world"

Strings can have line breaks in them or introduce them using escape sequences:

iex> "hello
...> world"
iex> "hello\nworld"

You can print a string using the IO.puts/1 function from the IO module:

iex> IO.puts "hello\nworld"

Notice the IO.puts/1 function returns the atom :ok as result after printing.

Strings in Elixir are represented internally by binaries which are sequences of bytes:

iex> is_binary("hellö")

We can also get the number of bytes in a string:

iex> byte_size("hellö")

Notice the number of bytes in that string is 6, even though it has 5 characters. That’s because the character “ö” takes 2 bytes to be represented in UTF-8. We can get the actual length of the string, based on the number of characters, by using the String.length/1 function:

iex> String.length("hellö")

The String module contains a bunch of functions that operate on strings as defined in the Unicode standard:

iex> String.upcase("hellö")